Building a Strong Relationship With Your Child’s Pediatrician

If you’re searching for a caring and compassionate pediatrician in Conroe, TX, bring your child to visit Dr. Ayotunde Faweya at Northside Pediatrics Associates.

Importance of Building a Strong Relationship With Your Pediatrician and Tips to Make It Happen

 Unless you move to a different location or choose to change providers for any reason, your pediatrician is going to care for your child until they are considered an adult. This is a good thing, as it gives pediatricians the ability to get to know their patients well and provide even more personalized care. 

Additionally, children can become more familiar and more comfortable with their pediatric care provider. This makes appointments less stressful and helps them open up a bit better.

Building and cultivating such a healthy relationship between the provider and the child relies on the parents' help. Below, Dr. Faweya and the team at Northside Pediatrics Associates in Conroe, TX share a few tips to help. 

Choose Wisely 

 When it comes to your children and who provides them care, it’s good to be picky. Take time researching potential providers and meet with them yourself so that you can get to know their demeanor and whether you feel comfortable sharing information. It’s also easier if you look for a provider that shares or – at minimum – respects your views on healthcare practices.

Communicate Openly 

 Once you’ve chosen a provider, it’s important that you be open with them about medical history, your concerns, any challenges your child is having, and anything else that should be discussed. The more open you can be, the better they can care for your child, which will further build trust between the two of you. 

Keep Your Appointments 

 Well-child visits are critical for your child’s health. They allow the provider to do a thorough examination to track development, changes, and anything that might pop up. If you miss these appointments, your provider could miss out on valuable information, which could lead to gaps in your child’s care. 

Additionally, keep in mind that your doctor’s time is just as valuable as your own time. If you schedule an appointment that you cannot keep, call to reschedule as early in advance as possible. 

Schedule an appointment with our pediatrician, Dr. Faweya, at Northside Pediatrics Associates in Conroe, TX by calling (936) 270-8655 today.

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